Aslan Brewing Collaboration

Skevik’s latest collaboration on a custom graphic is a cross-border affair that has taken us into the heart of the Pacific Northwest. We dipped south over the 49th, we ate the food, we drank the beer, and we returned with a psychedelic lion. Now we’d like to give that lion to you, on a pair of Skevik Skis, of course.
For the month of February, be sure to visit the Aslan Brewpub in Bellingham, Washington to view this custom graphic on a set of Anton112-185cm skis. Afterwards, these skis are being raffled off! For more info on Aslan, Skevik and how this whole thing came to be, check out the rest of the story down below. But first, get that name in for a free pair of skis!
While the Aslan X Skevik project officially began when we approached them this season about the possibility of a collaborative effort, the loose, unofficial beginning was last winter, when our paths crossed for the first time.
November of last winter, we traveled down to Bellingham, Washington for a ski movie premiere. And as luck would have it, that premiere was held at the Aslan Brewery Company. The location, the beers, the food, the people and the branding really stuck with us and we knew right away that this could be a great collaboration. We could see that lion head spread across a pair of skis and it all just made so much sense.
For those who are new to the Aslan Brewing Company name, they are a sustainable microbrewery and restaurant that exclusively brews USDA Certified Organic beers for the Cascadia region. It was roughly a two year journey to completion, but the Aslan Brewpub has been open in downtown Bellingham since 2014.
Austin Martin is Aslan’s Art Director and the man behind their logo/branding. He also led the charge in the Aslan X Skevik project, incorporating early Aslan design elements, which he said represents their experimental side.
The ski artwork, like our coasters, is an experiment in color and depth using layers of watercolors blended together that are then manipulated digitally… Psychedelic artwork has always appealed to me. It symbolizes experimentation and an expansion of the mind/consciousness. I'd like to think what we're doing at Aslan, from the beer we make to the culture we promote, symbolizes that same thing.Austin Martin, Art Director at Aslan Brewing

However, Martin said that you could take away all the deeper meaning and underlying messages if you want, he still just really likes the colours.
Even with all that intention living behind the artwork, it all comes down to the fact that those colors just give me warm and fuzzy feelings.Austin Martin
While the psychedelic splash of colour will certainly garner the lion’s share of lift-line attention, Skevik’s maple core has its moments to shine as well. It subtly shows through the design, and is fully visible in certain elements, like the Aslan hop head logo. This conscious choice highlights Aslan’s natural, organic approach to brewing.
British Columbia and Washington are beautifully analogous places. One could remove the government required border crossing and chances are you could travel between them without ever really noticing that you’d changed countries. That makes for a smooth working relationship and an easy, fun collaboration. But the reality is, that border does exist and the formally high-flying Canadian petro-dollar has hit a little bit of a rough patch, making this a fantastic time for those earning Greenbacks to buy our Loonie backed stuff. So, American friends, don’t hesitate to capitalize on that 30ish percent discount and represent your favourite brewery with a guaranteed conversation piece strapped to your feet. Just contact us to line up the Aslan graphic on your next pair of skis and feel those psychedelic, warm-fuzzies every time you’re out sliding on the snow.