Clement Graphic

We first discovered #bcartist, Sarah Clement, during a routine hunt for artists on Instagram. Immediately fascinated by the objects she had created, and the style applied to them, we saw common ground in a rooted passion for the outdoors and adventure. Objects like a lantern, a compass, match sticks, maple leaves and other things you might see while out for a walk (or a ski) in Canada.
What really first piqued our interest, though, was an illustration of a salmon, something Sarah loves to work on. “They're a vital part of our ecosystem, part of an interwoven system between forest and sea. I see them as a reminder to look at how we too are connected and have an impact on the world around us. I also admire their perseverance, beauty, and resilience.”
Like most artist collaborations, there were ideas flying back and forth faster than a beaver felling a tree. Eventually, we ended up choosing some objects from Sarah’s existing portfolio – a camera, fish and a feather. A ‘Canadiana’ theme was gradually arising. Sarah then sketched an axe and a felling saw to make good use of the canvas.

“It was a little tricky to work with such unusual parameters. There were certain objects I wanted to incorporate, but they wouldn’t fit properly,” said Sarah. “It [the graphic] was certainly a balancing act to make sure all of the elements worked together and made sense.”
Unsure of how to lay out the selections onto a long, thin canvas, we sourced, a website dedicated to organizing things neatly, for inspiration. Not surprisingly, the website did help us arrange the objects in a distinct and harmonious manner. Check it out sometime – it’s a little addicting.

We see this ‘Canadiana’ inspired graphic as a celebration – a celebration of the rugged, outdoorsy Canadian lifestyle. “The graphic depicts elements from the natural world, while also showcasing tools to go out and explore that world,” said Sarah. “In that sense, the imagery is actually a wonderful fit for a pair of skis.”
Whether you are exploring the rugged Canadian landscape or elsewhere in the world, the ‘Clement’ graphic will always be on your feet to remind you just how lucky we are to live in such a stunning country. Thank you #bcartist, Sarah Clement, for including Skevik in your portfolio!
Check out Sarah Clement’s work here.